first week at NIU

It is my last semester at NIU. This is so bitter sweet for me. It will be very hard to leave here, it has become my home. I wanted to make sure that I took classes that I would enjoy, that would also let me gradate this semester.

My classes are:

EPS 426- The future of psychedelics, this is my honors seminar. This class talks about the history and future of psychedelic drugs. It is interesting to see all the research going into this topic. 

COMS 480- Communication in conflicts, this is probably my favorite class this semester. It is interesting to see the cultural cliché’s that we have about conflict.  

COMS 355- Media writing, this was my elective for this semester. I have no experience in media writing so it is nice to be learning something new.

PSYCH 324- Child development, this class always starts off with a YouTube clip about kids. It is great to see all the great things happening around the world with children and how we as a society can better the future generations.

PSYCH 413 (plus the lab)- Clinical Laboratory, this is my most challenging class. We have plenty of research that needs to me done to keep me busy. I am doing my study on the effects if social anxiety on self esteem. It is great to get real world research experience from a class.

I am also in the process of completing my honors capstone project. This is an independent study I get to do alongside a professor of choice. I am excited to see what kind of results I will find.


It has been a great time adjusting to  being back in classes. I am ready to take on my last semester.

I am also excited for the football games to start, amongst all my school work, I so also have fun on the weekends!


Happy Fall Semester!

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